Gingerbread Houses are not just made during the December holiday season!
In fact, we normally host an all ages gingerbread house program in December, but since our meeting room has been under construction, our programming has been very limited. We are still able to have our after hours tween programs once a month since we can utilize other parts of the library. On Friday, January 25th tweens braved the snow and came in to design
their own gingerbread houses. My sister usually helps me out by collecting milk carts at her school for us to use as a frame. Our part-time librarian, Linda, hot glued two of the milk boxes together ahead of time so that the bases would be ready at the start of the program. Also, since we were never able to celebrate Halloween at
the library in October due to Hurricane Sandy, we had a bunch of leftover candy that the tweens were able
to use to decorate their houses. They picked the candy out and then added frosting and graham crackers
to side their house.
I'll leave you with some of their creations:-)